Bound forced gay sex stories

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'You're taking your life in your hands trying to stand still around here' I said as I approached him with my coffee. He smiled back, probably as I was one of the youngest people in the area at this hour.

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I made my way over to the counter and smiled as I passed him. Turned me on, so I decided it was time for a cup of coffee and a smoke. Sort of an all-American McDonald's kid type. He was your basic high school type, wearing a team jacket, jeans and hightops, blonde hair. I had a cigarette in the center court area and was getting really bored when I noticed him at the little snack bar.

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A strange group of johnny-come-lately health nuts, there on doctors' orders. I was stuck waiting in the mall with the early morning 'mall walkers'. I got there early, the auto center was open before the stores opened.

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